You can use the Amendment to Listing (TXR 1404) form to make changes to a listing agreement. The broker and seller can agree, effective on a date of their choosing, to a new listing price, to a new listing end date, or to cease and later resume marketing. The form also includes space to amend other paragraphs from the original listing agreement. Amendment to Listing can be used with farm & ranch, commercial, and residential properties.
It is one of more than 130 forms exclusively available for members of Texas REALTORS®.
Can it amend to opt out of having their listing in MLS since County Appraisers are now able to be members of MLS? The first piece of evidence shown at my property protest today was the MLS input sheet…… I feel like that needs a disclosure form to inform clients that their sales data is no longer private in our non-disclosure state,,,,,
You might wish to read up on mls clear cooperation policy. Here is a link that might help:
My real concern is county appraisal districts at protests before the ARB, which is open to the public are putting up on a big screen for the public to see the listing input page used by realtors that contain private information for the world to see, basically making MLS data open to the public. And yes this is happening in Cherokee County!
I have a seller who is looking to sell multiple homes that he leases out. How can I use one listing agreement to cover all homes? I realize I will have to create individual “One to four” contracts for each home that the buyers are interested in which is not a problem. Just trying to figure out how to use one listing agreement to cover all.