Texas REALTORS® legal staff has updated the Model Brokerage Policies and Procedures Manual for 2020. It’s available for purchase and download at nbzhiai.com.
What’s the Model Brokerage Policies and Procedures Manual?
The manual provides Texas brokers with written policies and procedures required by the Texas Real Estate Commission. Each chapter contains policies that will guide a broker in his or her management of daily affairs. It’s available to members for $99.99. Check out the table of contents.
I Bought the Previous Version. Do I Have to Purchase it Again?
No. Your original purchase of the manual entitles you to free updates. Download your update now.
It won’t allow me to download the update. it wants money and I have the previous version.
Mike, we’ll look into it and get back to you via email.
Same here – can’t download the update
Royce, we’ll contact you via email to sort it out.
I haven’t received email for update.
Hi Deborah
Just click on the “download update now” you should get a copy.
Love the new look! I see you went with a PDF version this time. I may have to convert to Word to add some company specifics . Thank you for always keeping us updated and compliant!
Likewise, I purchased one in the past and have not received an update email link nor can I find one here. Please advise.
Michael, click on this link to log into the site and download your update: http://apps.nbzhiai.com/modules/legal/legalProduct/
Considering the copyright notice, can I convert to a Word document to include company specifics? Also the copyright notice states that “no part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever for commercial purposes without written permission of Texas Association of REALTORS®, Inc.” How do we distribute this to company agents either through printing or digitally without violating this copyright?
Tommy: The Texas REALTORS® Legal Department says that you can use all or some of the PDF in conjunction with your policies and procedures. However, you should not convert it to Word. The copyright means that you can’t reproduce the book for your own profit–for example, making copies of the manual and selling those copies. Brokers are allowed to provide copies to their agents.
I cannot log in to download my needed update for 2020.
I selected reset password but I do not receive an email to reset it.
Who can help? Thanks!
I have not been able to download 2021 version of Policy and Procedures.
2020 is the most recent update of the manual. It’s updated as needed, not tied to any schedule.
Hello! I bought the 2020 version last year and I would need to update it this year. How do I do it?
2020 is the most recent update of the manual. It’s updated as needed, not tied to any schedule.
I’m a new Broker, I saw somewhere, where a Broker had disciplinary action brought by TREC for not filing a copy with TREC. However, I can not find anywhere that it says a copy must be provided to TREC. So, do we have to file a copy with TREC?
Is 2020 the most recent version?
I just downloaded the 2020 version and see it has been updated since. From the discussion below it would appear that unlike TXR forms the manual does not have a date of last update on each page and even the title says 2020 on the cover page. I sounds like an easy fix to avoid a lot of confusion.
We haven’t received email for update. Broker’s name: Cory Kammerdiener (email: cory.kammerdiener@newhomeprograms.com)
It printed the wrong broker
I want to remind my Agents that they can’t do property management for others, is this the right procedure to buy?
Is there a 2024 manual with current updates?
Needing to purchase. When is the new version available ?
Can’t download!!
When will the next update be available?
When will you update the Brokers Policy Manual?