REALTORS® acting as property managers sometimes ask if they are required to disclose the name of the property owner to the tenant. The answer is yes. Texas Property Code Section 92.201 requires that a landlord disclose the name and either a street or post office box address of the holder of record title (the owner) to the tenant. Disclosure may be made by including the information in a copy of the lease or in written rules given to tenants before they request the information.
Laura Miller, associate attorney

If the owner is a corporate structure (most commonly an LLC), since an LLC is considered a “person” by law, then disclosing the LLC name should suffice, correct?
Seems kind of silly, since the tax records are public information… The property owner’s name is on the tax record for the county. However, his/her correct mailing address may not be shown in the tax record. ~ The relationship between a Tenant and the “Landlord” is a critical one. Some Tenants think it is important to “interview” the house, when maybe they should be interviewing the Landlord. The Property manager may have the authority to sign the Lease, but if not, the Landlord’s name is on the Lease. If there is a problem, the Tenant has no one to go… Read more »
What about what the Owner wants? Many owners hire a property management company because they do not want to be bothered by the tenant, they do not want the tenant having their name & address.
If the owner is contacted they have no obligation to react with the resident other than refer them back to the property manager for any issues.
The reason they have to do this is because if a tenant & the management company the owner hired to manage the property become involved in a legal dispute & the tenant has to take them to court, the owner has be named, included in the suit & notified of the suit as well. A judge will not hear the case if the owner is not included. I know this because I am currently involved in a legal dispute with the apartment complex I live in. So, at times a tenant literally has to have their information. This is why… Read more »
I agree with Debbie , some property is in a Trust and do not want tenant to have any info on who owns the Trust. On the lease it only shows the Trust name.
I guess what many complainers here are doing, aside from showing that they are landlords is showing their lack of awareness when this trust has a property management company that is as slumlord and completely violating implicit quiet enjoyment. Then this property gets to the point where it becomes a cesspool for drugs and crime and the tenant only recourse is to constantly call the police as if the owner has no obligation to quiet enjoyment. You somehow seem to think that a lease just means, “you pay rent, you leave me alone about everything else”, sadly mistaken. very ignorant… Read more »
Many people find rentals on Zillow/Craigslist etc. In the event that you are dealing with a ‘landlord’ or third party person, it is essential that you can confirm with the owner, that their property is being leased and the person you are directly dealing with, is legitimate. During times like now, or if you are moving from a different city/state and you can’t view a new rental yourself in person. Too many people get scammed out of deposits and rent due to the difficultly in verifying whether or not a lease is legitimate. Would homeowners not be willing to send… Read more »
I am in Michigan and a property manager tried to place someone not approved into my property, signed a lease and is now threatening to give my name and number to “tenants” even though I never approved it and they have not taken occupancy. Can she give them my information?
It’s interesting to read what other people thought about does a property manager have to disclose a landlords name and how it relates to them or their clients, as their perspective could possibly help you in the future.
I don’t know why are people complaining about the same in the comments section
Agreed. Some property is in a Trust and does not want tenants to have any info.
A good property manager will have conducted a couple dozen evictions. Their experience will help you ensure an eviction at your property goes without further issues.
If I do not know the property owner of my Apartments then how can I sue them? I went to the tax office and got the owners company name , and when they were not able to be served with summons for court. Any help?
Same with me. I just got LLC and no actual name of owner. I’ve been this route with a store in which I got actual names so they could be served. Now I’m at a loss on how to get the owners name for my apt for a lawsuit. I can’t even get a phone number of the company name property mgmt. Any help?
can landlord access the renter information or property manager should not share it with landlord ?