Our association stays in its lane. We focus on matters related to real estate.
Do you know the Texas REALTORS® position on medical billing practices? No? That’s because we don’t have one. In fact, there are countless important issues Texas REALTORS® never weighs in on. That’s because our association stays in its lane. We focus on matters related to real estate.
As it turns out, our lane is a wide one. Real estate touches many aspects of life. In a typical legislative session, Texas REALTORS® tracks more than 3,000 proposed bills that could affect real estate, property ownership, or our state’s business climate. Still, we sometimes hear from members who want the association to take a stand on issues unrelated to our mission. I understand the passion behind those requests. But opening up our advocacy to all topics would be a mistake.
The only way to maintain our role as the most influential, effective force at the Capitol is to focus our efforts. Elected officials know where we’re coming from when we support or oppose legislation. They know they can count on us as the foremost authorities on all things related to real estate in Texas. Expanding our public policy positions to all arenas would be the quickest path to diluting our power.
Another way to shoot ourselves in the foot would be to support only one party. Texas REALTORS® has friends on both sides of the aisle. We work with those who best align with our positions on real estate issues regardless of party. As I said, we stay in our lane.
Who determines our public policy decisions? You do! REALTORS® serving on the association’s public policy committees gather input from members. The committees use that input to formulate association positions and bring them to the Executive Board, which is also made up of members. The Legislative Management Team—more members—administers the legislative process after policy positions are determined. There are public policy committees on taxation, land use, infrastructure, and business issues, plus an oversight committee that coordinates the activity.
You can get involved in the public policy process in many ways. Take part in Texas REALTORS® surveys about your opinions on issues. Come to Texas REALTORS® events and participate in the discussions. If you’re interested in serving on a public policy committee—or the other Texas REALTORS® committees—now is the time to apply at nbzhiai.com/countmein. Get involved at your local association too. Many of our positions take form at the local level.
You also should come to REALTOR® Day at the Texas Capitol next March. It’s an energizing day and a fabulous way to see firsthand how our involvement—all while staying in our lane—puts Texas REALTORS® in a position of influence and respect. See you there!